High quality, Japan factory reconditioned 1994 Yamaha U1, with restored to new standard casing and mirror finished brass trimmings. Few Yamaha U1's go through such a long and detailed reconditioning process as ours do. The U1's we stock, dating from the 60's, 70's and 80's are virtually new pianos, and for the same price or less than you would pay for one with no work done, and sold as is in original state.
We offer a five year warranty, free delivery, new adjustable stool, and free tuning on day of arrival. Tuning thereafter is 80 euro per year. This U1 has a full and rounded soft tone, crisp and clear, soft in the Tenor and Bass register, with even depth of tone throughout the range. A lifetime instrument by a top maker and ideal for all levels of player, from beginner to advanced.