Bechstein Model 10-O'Briain Pianos
Bechstein Model 10
A tall, highest German hand built quality Carl Bechstein underdamper upright piano with restored to new standard Rosewood case, original ivory keys, refinished brass, and reconditioned internals. A nice instrument to play with a medium responsive touch and even depth of tone throughout. The Model 10 by Bechstein is considered to be one of the best pianos ever built in the industry, due to its high quality woods, design, massive soundboard, very long strings, and overall presence and sound quality.
Comes with stool, free delivery, five year warranty, and is tuned on arrival. Tuning thereafter is 80.00 per year.
This stunning Bechstein is priced low and built to last a lifetime of play. Ideal for all levels of player, from beginner to advanced.
Dimensions: Width: 146cm Depth: 60cm Height: 132cm